Digital Marketing Info Session, Jan. 18

Ready to launch an exciting career in a high-demand industry? Join an online information session and explore bachelor, associate, and certificate programs in Digital Marketing. (more…)

DRS Webinars

The Department of Retirement Systems’ Education & Outreach team will provide the following live webinar presentations from Jan. – March, 2023. (more…)

Lockwood Grant Information Session

The Bellevue College Foundation is hosting a virtual drop-in session on Wednesday for any faculty members with questions about applying for the Lockwood Grant. (more…)

Receive Your 1098-Ts Through ctcLink

Now, students have the option to receive their 1098-Ts electronically (rather than a paper form) through ctcLink. (more…)

Student Support Services Virtual Bazaar

Learn about student resources available to all BC students at the Student Support Services Virtual Bazaar online via Teams, hosted by the First-Year Seminar program. (more…)

Winter Reading and Writing Workshops Kickoff

Reading and writing workshops, free to all BC students, are starting this week. Visit the Academic Success Center Workshops page for links to our online AND in-person workshops on writing, reading, and ESL/ELL. (more…)

Interfaith Student Success Panel

Join faculty of various faith traditions in a panel discussion on building culturally responsive learning environments for all. (more…)

Free Virtual Workshop: Building a Resume

Join this workshop Monday, Jan. 23, if you want to learn how to create a professional resume that can be used when applying for internships and post-graduation jobs. (more…)