Collegewide AI Symposium

The XR Lab and eLearning are excited to co-host a college-wide symposium discussing the pros and cons of the new artificial intelligence tools including OpenAI and ChatGPT. Register now for an upcoming session. (more…)

Chat & Chew: Restorative Justice Conferencing

Meet BC’s restorative facilitators as we discuss restorative justice conferencing—a framework for repairing harm & restoring trust. Learn how we plan to implement aspects of restorative justice conferencing at BC. 1/27 | 12-1:30 p.m. in B207. (more…)

Lockwood Grant Information Session on Monday

The Bellevue College Foundation is hosting a virtual drop-in session on Monday, January 30 from 10-11 a.m. for any faculty members with questions about applying for the Lockwood Grant. (more…)

Join Us For Discovery Day Feb. 11

You're invited to BC's Discovery Day, where you can learn about academic programs, support services, get pro tips about financial aid, explore virtual reality, and more! (more…)

Peer-to-Peer Canvas Training on Canvas Apps

Let your students know they can join our Student Canvas Peer-to-Peer Live Training support online using Zoom to ask Canvas-related questions, connect with peers and learn something new. (more…)

Join Canvas Peer-to-Peer Live Chat

Find answers to your canvas-related questions at Student Canvas P2P live sessions. (more…)

Collegewide AI Symposium

The XR Lab and eLearning are excited to co-host a collegewide symposium discussing the pros and cons of the new artificial intelligence tools including OpenAI and ChatGPT. Register now for an upcoming session. (more…)

Blood Drive, Feb. 7

BC will be holding a blood drive with Bloodworks Northwest on Feb. 7. To participate make an appointment in advance through the Bloodworks website. (more…)

Black History Month Opening Day Program

Celebrate the richness and heritage of the Black and African American community at the Black History Month Opening Day Program. (more…)

Receive Funding for Your Sustainability Project

Did you know that there is money available to fund projects that create positive social and environmental change on campus? Apply to the Student Environmental Sustainability Fund to get money for your sustainability, climate justice, or social justice project. (more…)