Student Canvas Support for New Students

Send your new students to eLearning Peer-to-Peer Canvas Live Training. Each week focuses on a new topic. This week’s training focus is Syllabus. (more…)

Employee Wellness Opportunities

Click through to see the upcoming schedule for Xpress Fitness, Free Personal Training, Pound Rock Out Workout and Pickleball. (more…)

Academic Affairs Spring Colloquium

We are excited to announce the start of the Academic Affairs Colloquium Series, aimed at building community, promoting scholarship, sharing knowledge and passions, and promoting learning from one another. (more…)

NDT Students Need Your Brain Waves

The first-year NDT (Neurodiagnostic Technology) students are practicing recording EEGs (brain waves). Join us to get your free EEG recording. (more…)

Join Student Canvas P2P Live on Syllabus.

Ask Syllabus Questions at Student Canvas P2P Live Training Monday through Thursday via Zoom. Link on Canvas P2P Live (more…)

Faculty Council meets Monday, April 24

The Faculty Council (FC) provides a forum for faculty to exercise a major role in all aspects of the college's academic program. (more…)

Second Round BC Governance Nominations

Open ten additional days, seeking Classified, Student, Exempt, and Faculty members willing to serve on BC Governance in 2023-2024. Let your voice be heard. (more…)

Blood Drive on Campus! 4/11 @ 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

Bellevue College ADN Honor Society is hosting a blood drive in partnership with BloodworksNW that is happening this coming Tuesday, 4/11, 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. on BC campus and is open to BC community only. (more…)

UTC Live Chat

University Transfer Center Live Chat will begin on April 17. Chat live with Cesar Rangel, University Transfer Center Specialist. (more…)

Electronic Access to 1098-T Forms

Now, students have the option to receive their 1098-T form electronically (rather than a paper form) through ctcLink. (more…)