Worker Retraining may be able to refund Spring 2020 tuition for prof-tech students who: are self-employed or gig workers who have lost employment due to COVID-19, or are traditional workers with fewer than the 680 hours required for a standard claim.
More Information:
Employment Security is now issuing unemployment benefits to new categories: self-employed and gig workers whose employment has been eliminated or reduced due to COVID-19 related issues; and some traditional workers who have fewer than the 680 hours required for a standard claim.
Worker Retraining has been expanded to potentially reimburse students for Spring 2020 tuition if they fall into the above categories. To be reviewed for eligibility, visit for a list of approved professional-technical programs and to download the required Self-Attestation Form.
Funding may continue beyond summer if Employment Security approves you for emergency unemployment benefits. To learn more about applying for Unemployment and COVID-related benefits, visit
Last Updated May 16, 2022