Resources & Planning Council Meeting, Feb. 25

The Resources and Planning Council (RPC) provides a forum to consider college-wide strategic planning and resource allocation, including planning assumptions, annual unit planning, the collection of appropriate data, and mission fulfillment.

More Information:

Resources & Planning Council (RPC) Meeting

Join us for the Resources & Planning Council (RPC) meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2025, from 3:30–4:30 PM. Please note the room change—this meeting will take place in U208. Meetings will be held in person unless mitigating circumstances require virtual attendance.

Join the Meeting (Microsoft Teams)

  • Meeting ID: 229 092 541 148
  • Passcode: 9kVDyd

Or join by phone (audio only):
+1 206-899-2345,,762860495# (United States, Bainbridge Island)

Find a local number
Phone conference ID: 762 860 495#

Governance Resources

The Resources & Planning Council (RPC) ensures that planning and resource allocation are aligned. It makes recommendations to the college president, the College Assembly, or other councils as appropriate. RPC encourages cross-campus communication, coordination, and collaboration between all units of the college, particularly in the areas of Finance, Effectiveness, and Strategic Planning.

Last Updated February 19, 2025