Nursing Program Mass Casualty Incident Simulation, May 31

The nursing program will be running a mass casualty incident (MCI) simulation for nursing and allied health students. Actors, real police officers and cinematic special effects will be on campus.

More Information:

Date: Friday, May 31
Time: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Location: T-Building, BC Campus

BC’s nursing program will host a mass casualty incident (MCI) simulation for nursing and allied health students. The simulation will feature actors, real police officers, and cinematic special effects to create a realistic environment, challenging students’ emergency room trauma management skills.

In conjunction with the simulation, the King County Sheriff’s Department will lead a “Stop the Bleed” training to enhance students’ life-saving abilities. This educational experience aims to strengthen teamwork and practical skills, preparing future healthcare professionals to provide quality care.

Please note that police vehicles will be on campus for this event. Faculty and students should be aware that patient actors will appear with simulated injuries, including bruises and bleeding, in the T-Building. This is purely an educational event, and no one is actually injured.

Volunteer acting roles for this simulation are filled. However, if you are interested in volunteering for the next mass casualty simulation in August 2024, please contact April Ambalina at

Thank you for your cooperation and participation in this important educational event.

Last Updated May 29, 2024