BC Fleet Decarbonization – Feedback Requested

The Office of Sustainability is requesting feedback on the draft Fleet Decarbonization Plan, which details BC’s plans to transition the campus vehicle and equipment fleet away from fossil fuels.

More Information:

Provide Feedback on the Campus Fleet Decarbonization Plan

The Office of Sustainability is seeking input on Bellevue College’s draft Fleet Decarbonization Plan. This plan inventories the college’s vehicles and fossil fuel-powered equipment and outlines strategies for electrification. Decarbonizing the campus fleet is a key step toward achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, as outlined in the Presidential Climate Commitment.

Your feedback is essential in shaping the final plan. Submit your input by Feb. 14 to contribute to this important sustainability effort.

View the plan and submit feedback here.

For questions, contact sustainability@bellevuecollege.edu.

Last Updated February 10, 2025