Student Success Council Meeting, Feb. 5

Student Success Council will consider matters related to the provision of instruction and student services, including, but not limited to, educational planning and advising, student transitions, instructional technology, and equitable opportunities.

More Information:

Student Success Council Meeting – Feb. 5

Faculty and staff are invited to attend the Student Success Council meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 5, 2025, from 3:15–4:45 p.m. This meeting will be held online via Microsoft Teams.

Meeting Details

Online: Join the Meeting Now Online (Teams)
Meeting ID: 268 910 686 522
Passcode: d2gZiY

Call-In (Audio Only): [+1 206-899-2345,,506905684#](tel:+1 206-899-2345,,506905684#) (United States, Bainbridge Island)
Phone Conference ID: 506 905 684#
Find a local number

The Student Success Council fosters cross-campus communication, coordination, and collaboration between departments focused on student success, including Instruction, Student Affairs, and Economic and Workforce Development. The council makes recommendations to the College Assembly and other governance bodies as needed.

More info: Student Success Council SharePoint page

Last Updated January 31, 2025