Gain New Communication Skills – Starts in July

Register now for a new 4-week Community Education course, Speak Up and Influence, to speak with more impact, tact and credibility. Communicate with confidence when presenting, meeting new people or moving people to take action.

More Information:

If you can relate to any of these challenges, this course may be for you!
❖ You get nervous speaking to groups or speaking up in meetings.
❖ You feel anxious socially, when meeting new people or when trying to impress the VIPs in the room.
❖ You go blank when you’re called on to answer a tough question.
❖ You feel awkward when asking for what you need, or trying to influence someone else to do what you want.
❖ You think of something important to say after the moment has passed and regret the missed opportunity.

The Step into Your Moxie® Speak Up and Influence training program is designed to overcome these fears to become a more confident communicator.

This program is a series of four training workshops, but they are not “sit and get” lecture-only classes, where participants passively listen while browsing their Twitter feed. Instead, these are super active. Going beyond sharing effective principles, each workshop is for people who want to have fun while learning key life skills. You’ll get tons of practice in large groups where you’ll gain confidence in the spotlight and in smaller breakout groups where you’ll gain comfort interacting in pairs and small groups.

In Step into Your Moxie® Speak Up and Influence, you will strengthen your inner and outer voice so that you can speak up for yourself and the ideas and issues that matter most to you, your company or your organization.

Through a mix of coaching, training, role play, and small and full group conversation, you will develop the mindset, skillset, and habits to boost your communication confidence so you can speak with power and impact and move people to take action whenever you speak.

Find out more and register by June 30 for this Community Education course.

Last Updated May 24, 2024