Staff Advisor Needed for Hong Kong Student Association

Staff advisor needed to launch a new Hong Kong Student Association. Reach out to us today.

More Information:

A staff advisor is needed to launch a new Hong Kong Student Association. Read below to learn all about who we are.

New Club Name: Hong Kong Student Association

Club Description: The Hong Kong Student Association (HKSA) is a vibrant and inclusive community established to unite students from Hong Kong and those interested in Hong Kong’s rich culture, traditions, and current affairs, now studying at Bellevue College. We aim to foster a supportive network, promoting cultural exchange, understanding, and friendship among students of diverse backgrounds.

Through cultural festivals, language exchange workshops, mentorship programs, networking events, and career workshops, HKSA will celebrate Hong Kong’s heritage while supporting members’ academic and professional growth. We welcome anyone interested in learning about Hong Kong, aiming to create a nurturing space where members can find friendship, support, and a sense of belonging.

What You Will Cover:
• Cultural festivals and language exchange to celebrate Hong Kong’s culture
• Creating a supportive and inclusive community for students at Bellevue College

Long Term Vision & Goals: HKSA envisions becoming a vibrant hub for cultural exchange and mutual respect, celebrating Hong Kong’s unique heritage and fostering understanding between cultures.

Our goals include:
• Promoting Hong Kong’s culture.
• Supporting academic and professional growth.
• Fostering community and belonging.
• Advocating for our members’ needs.
• Collaborating with other student organizations to build bridges across cultures.

Benefits to Students: Joining HKSA offers students cultural connection and sharing, a home away from home, academic and professional growth, social and emotional support, opportunities for personal development, and advocacy and representation. We aim to enhance the college experience, bridge cultural gaps, and prepare students for future success.

Meeting Expectations (ex: how often we’ll meet and how involved we’d want an advisor to be): We plan to hold bi-weekly meetings with additional events and workshops throughout the semester. We seek an advisor who can provide guidance and support for our initiatives and help us navigate college resources and policies. The student leadership board will be crucial in organizing events, facilitating workshops, and representing HKSA in college activities, expecting active participation and leadership from its members.

Interested? Please reach out to Kam Cheuklam.

Last Updated April 10, 2024