Distance Education Fee Structure

BC is making adjustments to its fee structure to better align with the evolving education landscape and ensure equitable support for all learning modalities.

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BC is making adjustments to its fee structure to better align with the evolving education landscape and ensure equitable support for all learning modalities. These changes come in response to shifting trends in instructional delivery and student needs.

Historically, BC has maintained a distance education fee of $10.50 per credit, with a maximum charge of $105.00 per student per term. This fee has primarily supported online learning resources, including the Canvas license (partially funded by the State), the eLearning office, and the ITS division. Additionally, it has contributed to essential upgrades to computer inventory and infrastructure.

Before the pandemic, most academic sections were conducted in person, with only about 30% offered online and a minimal selection of hybrid sections. However, the onset of the pandemic necessitated a rapid shift to 100% online learning in Spring 2020. Since then, hybrid courses have been gradually introduced, with an expected continued rise in hybrid offerings as we transition into the post-pandemic era.

Currently, the distribution of instructional modalities for the Winter 2024 term is 25% in-person, 32% hybrid, and 43% online. Interestingly, only online courses have been subject to a modality-driven fee, despite revenue from this fee benefiting students across all modalities. This discrepancy has sparked numerous student inquiries and complaints, prompting Academic Affairs leadership to address the issue.

Effective Summer 2024, Bellevue College will implement the following measures:

– Online Course Fee: The fee for online courses will be reduced from $10.50 per credit to $8.00 per credit, marking a 24% reduction. Additionally, the cap of $105.00 per student per term will be eliminated.

– Additionally: BC will charge $4.50 per credit will for hybrid courses.

These changes aim to rectify the disparity in fee structures and ensure that all students receive equitable support, regardless of their chosen learning modality.

These adjustments are crucial to meeting the needs of our diverse student body and providing the necessary resources for a successful learning experience. The college remains committed to fostering an inclusive and accessible educational environment.

Last Updated April 4, 2024