Benefits Hub News: Noodle Drive & Women's Drive

Thank you to our BC Community! Our Noodle Event and Women’s Drive was a success. The Benefits Hub was able to give out 768 cups of noodles to students, staff, and faculty! In addition, over 1000 items were donated through the Women’s Drive.

More Information:

Benefits Hub was able to give out 768 cups of noodles to students, staff, and faculty! A special shoutout to the Warehouse for their flexibility and support when delivering these noodles, we would have not been able to do this amazing work without them.

We greatly value your feedback or suggestions as we plan for future drives. Your insights can help us improve and make a more significant impact on campus. You can share your thoughts or ideas for future drives by emailing

We also had our Women’s Drive in March. We were looking for donations of pads, tampons, diapers, and hygiene items. We were able to receive 1,022 items in total! That is over 18 boxes of pads, 12 boxes of tampons, 9 boxes of baby items, and 53 hygiene products. We appreciate everyone who donated and everyone who spread awareness about our drive!

Thank you for your dedication and commitment to making a difference! Together, we can continue to create positive change on the BC campus.

Last Updated April 2, 2024