Administrative Services VP Search Relaunched

The search for a permanent Vice President of Administrative Services (VP AS) has relaunched, and we are now actively recruiting candidates and accepting applications.

More Information:

Thank you to those who participated in recent listening sessions as your feedback informed the development of an updated position profile, a document that describes the roles, responsibilities, desired qualifications, and necessary qualities of our next VP AS. You can access the position profile and other search information on the BC VP AS Search website.

Please recommend potential VP AS candidates by submitting a nomination to our search firm partners through the EQU Advisors website. Our consultants have begun their outreach to generate a robust and diverse candidate pool and will follow up on nominations submitted.

VP AS candidates are encouraged to submit their application materials by Mar. 29, 2024. Finalist interviews are scheduled for the weeks of May 20 and 27.

Last Updated January 30, 2024