Apply Now for a PE Certificate

Apply now to start in Fall Quarter for one of our certificates: Yoga Instructor, Personal Fitness Trainer, or Outdoor Recreation Leadership.

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We have three exciting certificate programs offered under the Health and Physical Education Department. Apply now to start in Fall Quarter.

Yoga Instructor Certificate – Includes 13 credits of classes and internship to prepare students as qualified Yoga Instructors. This program certifies students to teach Yoga in diverse settings based on the Yoga Alliance, 200-hour approved teaching standard curriculum.

Outdoor Recreation Leadership Certificate – Prepares students for a wide range of personal and/or professional opportunities in recreation, outdoor leadership, and education.

Personal Fitness Trainer Certificate – Prepares students for employment in the Health and Wellness industry. Designed and focused on National Exam preparation (ACSM or NASM), students may also pursue a degree in Exercise Science, Athletic Training, or Kinesiology.

Learn more here.

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Last Updated May 11, 2023