Receive Funding for Your Sustainability Project

Apply to the Student Environmental Sustainability Fund to get money for your sustainability, climate justice, or social justice project! Apply by 12 p.m. on April 24 and present on April 25 to be considered. Open to students, faculty, and staff.

More Information:

Did you know that there is money available to fund projects that create positive social and environmental change on campus?

Have an idea you want to see become a reality? BC’s Student Environmental Sustainability Fund is seeking proposals for projects! Funding is open to all students, faculty, and staff!

The SESF meeting will take place at 3 p.m. on April 25 (hybrid format) where project proposals asking for funding will be reviewed.

The SESF has previously funded projects, events, and initiatives such as a free admittance for students to attend a sustainability conference, Earth Week events and speakers, field trips, smart waste bins, free menstrual product dispensers, a raingarden, solar panels, and much more!

If you have an idea that you would like to see funded and implemented at BC that fits the above criteria, please send an SESF Application Form and Budget Form to and by April 24 at noon to be considered to present to the committee.

For a full list of past funded projects and for more information on what the SESF is and how to apply, please visit here.

Questions? Email

Last Updated April 14, 2023