Bellevue College Website Redesign

Status update for the upcoming launch of the new Bellevue College website.

More Information:

Dear BC Community,

The BC website is undergoing a major overhaul, and we are fast approaching its relaunch date. The new site will feature a fresh aesthetic, improved functionality, and enhanced content centered on our mission to provide teaching and learning excellence.

Why It Is Important

BC’s site has operated in its current state for close to a decade; it’s time for a refresh to better meet the digital needs of our campus and community. This project began more than four years ago with the formation of a cross-campus taskforce, and after extensive study and input from a range of community stakeholders a plan was charted. Following a lot of hard work from the core team members in the ensuing years, we’re excited to show the results.

What To Expect

The new design involves an overhaul of 40 subsites, including 130 new pages and dedicated entries for every BC degree and certification program. (Note: Not all the site’s pages will undergo redesign at this time. The remaining subsites will be addressed in the second phase of this project.)

Additional changes include a more intuitive layout, increased accessibility and usability measures, a new style guide, an updated WordPress interface, and an implementation of BC Pathways (the enhanced design allows to students to make more informed choices as they work toward their academic goals).

Other changes involve updated URLs for pages that have been revamped. This will not negatively impact any visitors. They will automatically be redirected to the new locations.

Post Launch

Our core team will continue to monitor traffic on the new site to ensure an engaging experience for all. This project’s success will not be determined by its release, but rather how well the new site is maintained over the long haul. We are dedicated to seeing that happen.

We recognize the tremendous amount of time and effort this project has required from our dedicated faculty and staff. Again, we would like to express our gratitude for your contributions, patience, and support.

Eric Kong

Please visit the redesign website for past updates and answers to frequently asked questions about the project.

Last Updated March 27, 2023