Winter Quarter Food Drive

BC Brutus Food Pantry is hosting a food drive from Feb. 1 – March 23. We kindly accept donations of non-perishable, non-expired food items.

More Information:

Who: BC Food Pantry
What: 2023 Winter Quarter Food Drive
When: February 1 – March 23
Why: The Brutus’ Food Pantry supports a healthy college community by reducing hunger on campus and connecting students to essential resources.

Who can access the Food Pantry?
Anyone with a BC ID number may access pantry services. This includes students, faculty, and staff. At check-in we do require that folks provide their name, along with your CTCLINK ID & specific to student if they want to meet with a Benefits Hub Coach to get connected to long-term support/resources.

How the Food Panty Operates:
The Brutus’ Food Pantry offers free, fresh, and non-perishable food items and hygiene kits to the BC community.

Folks are welcome to come once a week for a “shopping experience” in which they can pick up items as need from a list of available supplies.

Additionally, anyone can stop in daily during our normal workhours for snack items. In addition to meeting your immediate food needs, we can connect students with other off-campus resources that can provide more long-term support.

We kindly accept donations of non-perishable, non-expired food items. You can drop off food items at the Bulldog Pantry on the second floor of the U-Building (room 217). OR around campus at our Food Drive drop boxes.

You can also contribute by fulfilling our Amazon Wishlist.

Financial contributions allow us more flexibility to purchase the items our students need/want. You can contribute to the Bellevue College Foundation. In the Designation box, click Bulldog Pantry.

The Brutus’ Food Pantry is currently in need of the following:
Canned vegetables
Canned fruit
Stocks, broths, bases, and sauces of all kinds
Food appropriate for diverse diets, including halal, kosher, gluten-free, vegan, vegetarian, etc.
Canned tomatoes
Pasta sauce
Cooking oils
Canned soup
Oatmeal and granola
Boxed milk, evaporated milk, and unsweetened alternative milks
Boxed mac + cheese, other ready-to-eat meals
Feminine hygiene products
Jars of baby food
Household Item (e.g., bar soap, toilet paper, paper towels)

Food Drive Drop Boxes Locations:
1st Floor of U-Building
1st Floor of C-Building
In front of the library
In Front of the Book store

Last Updated February 7, 2023