The Art & Science of Dreaming (INTER 180) is a 10-credit interdisciplinary course that approaches the phenomenon of dreams from the dual perspective of psychology and fiction writing.
More Information:
While psychologists and fiction writers have long contemplated the mystery of dreams on their own terms, this course will do so from an integrated, whole-brained approach. Using our left hemispheres, we will read classics in psychology as well as modern cognitive science to better understand the biological basic for dreaming. Using our right hemispheres, we’ll lose ourselves in the art of fiction, reading especially dreamlike narratives and learning to trust our subconsciouses when composing stories of our own.
Students will receive 10 credits: 5 credits for PSYC 205 Theories of Personality, and 5 credits for Writing Fiction ENGL 237/8/9.
The course will run Winter Quarter 2023 on a hybrid modality. Carol Anderson will teach online synchronously on Mondays and Wednesdays from 12:30-2:40 p.m., Dan Tremaglio will teach in person on Tuesday and Thursdays from 12:30-2:40 p.m. This course only comes once a year and is totally worth shuffling your schedule around to take!
- You have to put two courses in your shopping cart.
- Go to PSYC 205 Theories of Personality IDS-LEC (8238) with Carol Anderson and put it in your cart.
- Go to ENGL 237/8/9 Fiction Writing IDS-LEC (8239) with Dan Tremaglio and put it in your cart.
Questions? Email Dan at (especially for fiction related stuff) or Carol at for psychology-related matters.
Last Updated November 23, 2022