Save the Date for BC’s Earth Week!

Make sure to mark your calendars for BC’s Earth Week, April 18–22! The week will be filled with speakers, workshops, discussions, films, and much more!

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Make sure to mark your calendars for BC’s Earth week April 18-22!
All events are open to everyone!

The Office of Sustainability is holding its 23rd annual Earth Week — a week of exciting sustainability and climate justice-related events at Bellevue College!

The theme this year is “Climate Voices: Sharing, listening, and taking action together”, which centers the importance of conversations, storytelling, and the sharing of knowledge as a powerful tool to spark action and build hope for a sustainable and just future.

The week will be filled with speakers, workshops, discussions, films, and much more! In the next few weeks, keep your eye out for an FYI Newsletter that announces the official full schedule (on Sustainability’s website—current schedule is still in progress).

There are great sessions from our wonderful BC faculty, as well as guest speakers from near and far! The week will be a hybrid format with events being either in-person and virtual via zoom.

See you there!

Questions? Email

*Please note: A few extended events will happen April 23 and the following week.

Last Updated March 17, 2022