HS+ Graduation Application

HS+ Graduation Application

This is used to apply for your HS diploma when in your final quarter for completing the HS+ program at Bellevue College.

"*" indicates required fields

Student Information

Mailing Address for diploma*

Final Quarter Courses

List the courses you are completing this quarter to finish your diploma

I understand that by submitting this form, I am requesting a review of my Prior Learning Assessment, transferred high school credits, and Bellevue College courses for meeting state requirements for high school graduation. This does not guarantee graduation; there are times when more courses or credits are found to be needed. If requirements are met, the High School Diploma will be posted to the student’s Bellevue College transcript at the end of the graduating quarter. An actual High School Diploma will be mailed 4-6 weeks after that to the address provided.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Last Updated August 12, 2024