
Please choose a form below to meet your needs.

Adult Basic Education Application Form

Complete this form after you have applied to BC and want to take Adult Basic Education (ABE), GED, or HS+ classes. Your ctcLink ID is required.

English as a Second Language Interest Form

Complete this form after you have applied to BC and want to take English as a Second Language (ESL) classes. Your ctcLink ID is required.

I-BEST Interest Form

Complete this form if you are interested in I-BEST courses.

Preparing for Work Intake Form

Complete this form before you have applied to BC and want to take Preparing for Work courses.

LACES Form (24-25 Academic Year)

All students in any Basic and Transitional Studies (BaTS) courses for the 24-25 Academic Year are required to complete this form. New students complete it during Orientation. Continuing students need to complete the form annually – please check for current year forms. This typically happens in the summer or fall.

HS+ Graduation Application